Nova v Praze (new in Praha:-)

Thursday, August 25

The advertisement

'I need to store 2 bags for 3 weeks while I travel. In one of the bags is a gift to my mom, and I will be unable to bring them with me. I don't have too many friends in the city and I really need a place to store these bags. There's absolutely nothing illegal in the bags, i just need a safe place for them. I am offering 5000 czk (2000 czk up front) and 3000 when I get my bags back in return for three weeks of storage. Phone calls or e-mail accepted. This is an insane deal for anyone who needs some extra cash. Please call XX at 123456'.

How do you feel reading this advertisement? I bet your heart is torn between disbelief and anxious thrill. Is it true that someone can just easily reward you 5000k for having their valuables safeguarded? for your note, 5000k is about half month salary of minimum salary here.

So you are playing with your mind. It is definitely easy money, hot offer, really really hot, and it might easily be gone in seconds... But... isnt it too good to be true?

Will someone offer you that amount only for doing such easy job?
Maybe it is a dodgy stuff. And for the next five minutes you will create various plots of what is behind this tremendeously crazy offer.
Will it be something related with mafia things?
Or he just want to save some precious and sacred things belong to the righteous party?
Will someone break into your house in the miidle of the night to get this thing?
Maybe they will also take my stuffs and threaten us not to speak or even kidnap us... and in the next morning, we will be in the headlines of local news and.....

You know what? SO many things fit!!! Then I did simple thing... I called the guy! Nervously I waited the guy to pick the phone and fearfully fantasized that my number will be recorded by some mysterious people out there and maybe.....

XX: " Hello?"
Me: " Hi, hmm,.hi.. I hmm.. read about your advertisement.."
XX: " Which advertisement?"
Me: " Oh.. you dont remember? hmm.. oh never mind (embarassed)..."
XX: " about what? oh... OK.. bye"
Me: " uh.. wait.. hmm.. sorry... about the storage thing, do you.. hmmm.. still need someone to do the service for you????"
waiting for few about to sweat and hang up..
XX: " uh.. sorry? what was that?? oh that ad.. OH.. THAT AD???
Im almost fainted coz he was suddenly interested and vigorously raising his tone..
XX: " You know what? it was a prank. My friend made a joke on me.. yesterday, I got thousands of calls like that. I should kill my friend... he is crazy... sorry for that bad joke."
Me: "Oh.. OHHHHHH... O.K. I see.. ahh.. never mind, sorry, bye."

So the morale is ........... so what is the morale:-)?

Wednesday, August 24


About a month ago, an Indonesian VIP and his family and group visited Czech and Indonesian community. One of my husband's colleague was assigned to accompany (read: entertain:-)) them. I will call this person as A:-). A had planned excellent itineraries and nice plan for their trips. A took them to famous precincts and pretty Czech countryside and other wonderful places. A tried sooooo hhaaaarrrd to please them. But A came to me with one comment: Indonesians are interesting, at least I know now how to please Indonesians:-).
That sounds...... something's wrong, I asked A to explain. A only described two important subjects. Of course, guys, I paraphrased them:-). They go like these:
Scene I.
A: " OK, ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at B at we have to walk abit to go inside from the parking lot. Because in Czech rep, the walk path is designed to preserve the clean air, natural environment for animals and trees, and quietness. And I guess it would be good for your health and fresh for the lungs:-).
Indonesians and the VIP: Ha?????????????????? (surprised) so we have to walk this far? There is no special transport to the nearest location?
A: : this is the nearest VIP parking lot I could arrange, coz normal people have to park down there"
One Indonesian leaned to A:" this is Indonesian important people, can you arrange something? this is out of the customs to walk too far and go uphill for them.
A: ha????????????????????????????????????

The fact is that A is not aware of indonesian abundant access to transport to any places. so we are spoiled by public angkot, little bus, motor-taxi, taxi, and private cars. Not to mention, if you hold some important positions, the hierarchical power speaks loud!!!!

Scene B:
A: these are the areas where tourists usually buy souvenirs, knitted clothes and czech crystals, maybe we can just browse. I believe that in Indonesia or big cities, you may find them easily.
Indonesians: you are kidding? wow, these are wonderful.... I want to see that.. and maybe I will see you here and after that we go to there.... and ..... (they are suddenly disappeared and enjoyed the shopping).
A: ha??????????????????????????????????

A comment: I have never seen this group as excited, fascinated and happy as now. The thrill and the satisfaction in their eyes at the same time only I witness twice. In Crystal shops and souvenirs....not even in our marvellous castles and chatteaus...

A:here you are, what? to clean the crystal lamp? it is quite easy, they will teach you so you can teach your children to help you to clean it regularly. You are lucky to have some children to help.
the VIP and Indonesians: ha????????????????????????????????????
Indonesians: pssst.. you are kidding right? They have many housemaids and housemen in the house and their children are not supposed to do these petty things.
A: ha???????????????? wow, you must have had big house for having them live inside the house!!!!!!!!

Indonesians and VIP: ha?????????????????????????????????????????????

The fact is that: A does not know that it is Indonesians old custom to retain a or some housemaids in the house to assist daily lives coz they are quite affordable.

When I heard A spilling it out, I giggled and felt so funny, but hey!! That;s not funny at all, I dont know what foreigners will think of Indonesia later on... It doesnt look very nice in the end:-(

SO, whose faults that these people depend heavily on their subordinates, and whose faults that kind of life style exists or in other word, remains exist? Should we abandon it? Should we also abandon local royal families? Arent they spreadt around the world? Even Europe still have their own royal families and their super duper VVIP families. How do they live? Are they different from Indonesian‘ VVIP?

Isnt it the social and political systém which is „responsible“ for this culture? Maybe in some countries, the egalitarian systém has established quite long and well so people forgot how their royal persons lived and existed. So what about Indonesians? How to fill the gap and differences?

Another interesting story of differences is that Indonesian police troops. They have been infamously related with low professionalism. Since their separation from the military, the leaders tried vigorously to clean some stuffs and deal with things more effectively. Také the anti drug unit. They have performed lots of raid and mostly in touristic areas such as Bali. Bali is also used to house multinational drug dealers and users. In Corby and Leslie case (both are Australians), the world is shocked!!! The controversial arrests and trials have raised bad sentiments towards Indonesians and the police. Especially some Australians claimed that the police did the wrong job and demanded the Australian aids for tsunami victims to be returned:-).

Poor police! When they attempt to do the best show, they are cursed and accused. So whose faults? The over-diligent police or the careless and underestimating drug network?


Sekitar bulan lalu ada pembesar dari Indonesia datang ke sini beserta keluarga dan orang orang terdekatnya. Salah seorang temen suamiku bertugas menemani mereka. Dia sudah usaha banget berusaha membawa mereka ke tempat tempat terkenal di Republik Ceko, dari castle hingga nature. Dia berusaha membuat mereka impressed.

Tetapi ternyata cuma dua tempat di mana rombongan Indonesia berbinar binar matanya dan tersenyum bahagia dan berdecak kagum: yaitu: toko kristal dan toko souvenir!!!! (hahahaha... indonesia banget deh:-))

Mereka ribut capek dan nggak kuat berjalan kaki jauh dan sedikit mendaki ke kawasan wisata (karena di Ceko, parkiran mobil harus sedikit agak jauh dari lokasi wisata, demi alasan kesegaran udara dan ketenangan berwisata).
Mereka bilang, apa nggak ada parkiran terdekat dan apa nggak ada kendaraan yang langsung kesana?
Orang Cekonya bingung: ha???????
Orang Ceko mungkin belum tahu orang Indo kaya kaya, karena biasa naik turun mobil (entah angkot, bus, atau mobil pribadi, hihihii).

Lalu yang lucu juga: waktu mau beli lampu kristal dan tanya tanya soal cara membersihkannya, orang Ceko make sure that it is quite easy to clean it apalagi kalo anak anak pembesar ini ikut bantu bergantian membersihkannya...
terbalik sekarang rombongan indonesia yang kaget: ha???? mengapa begitu? kan kita punya housemaid housemaid di rumah, lebih dari satu dan harus dimanfaatkan.
eh gantian orang Cekonya yang bingung lagi: ha?????? rumah anda besar ya? kok bisa menampung begitu banyak housemaid dan houseman?

Pas dengernya juga agak geli sekaligus miris... apa lagi ya yang akan dinilai orang sini tentang Indonesia, buruk atau bagus ya...

Salah siapa kalo mereka tidak biasa mengurus dirinya sendiri? Bukankah sistem sosial dan politik kita yang memelihara mereka? Di seluruh dunia, begitu banyak juga keluarga pembesar baik bangsawan atau pejabat politik dan ekonomi yang memiliki banyak fasilitas dan terbiasa tergantung pada orang orang bawahannya...
bukankah di Eropa tempo dulu banyak keluarga bangsawan dan pembesar? Bagaimana gaya hidup mereka?
Atau mungkin karena orang Eropa sudah melewati babak itu lewat revolusi panjang , mereka kaget waktu menemukan kembali masih ada peninggalan klasik itu di Asia:-).
Kalo mau dirubah, bagaimana caranya? dan apakah perlu dirubah dan dihapus?

Satu lagi yang menarik tentang perbedaan:
Polisi Indonesia kan terus memperbaiki diri sejak terus dikomentari dan dipantau kerjanya oleh orang Indo atau internationa agar lebih profesional. Satu satu mulai dibenahi.

Berita hangat akhir akhir ini adalah kasus kontroversial tim drugs yang membekuk Corby dan Leslie (dua WN Australia) karena memiliki obat obatan psikotropika. Alih alih, malah sekarang polisi dan orang Indonesia yang diteror karena dianggap sembarangan menahan orang. dan beberapa orang Australia malah ngambek dan ingin bantuan tsunami buat Aceh dikembalikan.

Susah juga ya kalo polisi mau disiplin dan strict. Mungkin para pemakai dan pengedar obat inginnya datang ke INdonesia karena dinilai gampang dan aman eh malah jadi kesel karena Indonesia mulai galak soal drug. Salah siapa:-)?

Monday, August 22

tidbits: some are true (twink twink:-))

Girls' Dreams

"What I Want in a Man (age 22)"

1. Handsome

2. Charming

3. Financially successful

4. A caring listener

5. Witty

6. In good shape

7. Dresses with style

8. Appreciates finer things

9. Full of thoughtful surprises

10. An imaginative, romantic lover, every day of the week

"What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 32)"

1. Nice looking (prefer hair on his head)

2. Opens car doors, holds chairs

3. Has enough money for a nice dinner

4. Listens more than talks

5. Laughs at my jokes

6. Carries bags of groceries with ease

7. Owns at least one tie and suit

8. Appreciates a good home-cooked meal

9. Remembers birthdays and anniversaries

10. Seeks romance at least 4-5 times a week

"What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 42)"

1. Not too ugly (bald head OK)

2. Doesn't drive off until I'm in the car

3. Works steady - dinner out occasionally

4. Nods head when I'm talking

5. Usually remembers punch lines of jokes

6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture

7. Wears a shirt that covers his stomach

8. Remembers to put the toilet seat down

9. Shaves most weekends

10. Interested in romance 2-3 times a week

"What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 52)"

1. Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed

2. Doesn't belch or scratch in public

3. Doesn't borrow money too often

4. Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting

5. Doesn't retell the same joke too many times

6. Is in good enough shape to get off couch on weekends 7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear

8. Appreciates a good instant food

9. Remembers my name on occasion

10. Shaves some weekends

11. Hope for a kiss each day

"What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 62)"

1. Doesn't scare small children

2. Remembers where bathroom is

3. Doesn't require much money for upkeep

4. Only snores lightly when asleep

5. Remembers why he's laughing

6. Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself

7. Usually wears some clothes

8. Likes soft foods

9. Remembers where he left his teeth

10. Remembers that it's the weekend

11. Remembers what romance was like

"What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 72)"

1. Breathing

2. Doesn't miss the toilet

Friday, August 19

Belgium: the visit to the comic strip and praline state

Visiting Belgium was one of my dream back in college. This country attracts me in some ways: First: it applies two national language: Dutch and French. Secondly, it is home to my favourite comic characters: Tin Tin, Smurf, and Lucky Luke (although Marsupilia is also "belgian":-)) and one of the biggest China Town in Europe. Third, it is famous by its chocolate praline and its original french fries (Belgians claim that french fries or frites was originated from Belgium!!). Fourth, the first "bule" who taught me english in a nice class was a belgian, and last: for some personal reasons:-). But I thought it would be only a dream back then.

Since now I live in Europe, the idea came one day from my husband in the end of July. He had to go to Belgium in early August to accompany high school students and assist to european union students exchange programme. He surprised me by tagging me along with him as his company and of course was assisgned to help on the programme ( yeah sure:-_)).
We are based on Hasselt city but we visited Brussels and Antwerpen as well. Basically, all belgian cities are alike but still they retain their own characteristics. If you go to Belgium you definitely have to try its pralines, ice cream, cakes, waffles, and of course: French Fries!!
They have more variety of snacks than Czech (read: junk food:-)) such as fried satay, fried lumpia, fried ba'mi, fried nasi goreng roll, fried minced meat roll, kinds of fries and sauces...
For experiencing the lives and cultures, Belgium is alright, but not to enjoy its nature coz you will find meadows with cows, fields with cows, private house garden with cows, and if you are lucky, you will see some ducks and lambs:-). It is flat land as you can enjoy thoroughout your journey.

The first journey led us to HASSELT. It is known as Jenever City and proud of it! They hold regular tour to its brewery. All who drink gin and tonic might be tempted to try this belgian gin as it is very strong and has its own class. But hey, that's not for me, it's too strong and hot!

Hasselt' s selling points are : being a tourists-friendly centre and bikers-friendly city with bike path and bike traffic light and parking lots, its free bus as public transport and its Japanese Garden which is doubt as the largest in Europe (which is so far true, if you compare with Wroclaw).

The compact and lively main square are flooded with updated-fashion outlets and cafes. Either you will spend your day by shopping and munching on pralines or or by... shopping:-)!.
Funny though, they are proud of their ice cream which is branded as AUSTRALIAN ICE CREAM:-) (what the..? even in australia there is no such thing:-))
But I wonder why they dont have many food outlets. Either they have only few nice restaurants or just snacks counters... I miss three-course meal in Czech rep:-(.

The students were encouraged to express their opinions and think critically, know other cultures and appreciates minority-class rights and lives as delivered by the Tutsi-soldier boy veteran, Children rights Foundation, and some entertaining workshop such as practising Capoeira and kendang, and cooking traditional meals. They were also taken to enjoy outdoor actions with team and work together. First they had to get into a small house and found their way out. Then they had to do the sport biking actions, and then continued to the wall climbing and gliding down. Lastly, they had to pass the balance test with water as its limit (they were not supposed to fall into the water:-)).
The highlight of the program was the tour to THE EUROPEAN UNION PARLEMENT BUILDING. It is always interesting how states regulate their common lives. Europe as Asia is also quite a complex world. It homes huge variety of cultures, politics, and economics. I enjoyed the explanations on their striving for unity and conformity with democratization and liberalization still underway... And imagine that this fighting club still struggle but yet want to dictate Asian countries and tell them what to do. Nobody's perfect:-). But money talks, still:-).

Normally, no matter serious is the program, it always goes crazy with the youngsters... it is fun to spend time with the youths and bringing all the mischieves back to live such as sneaking out at night, finding cool places to hang out, foolish conversations, cool photo sessions:-).

BRUSSELS was the next journey. It was big and has nice China Town with yummy cuisine and abundant Asian supplies. It has large and free Palace with its pretty garden to visit. Dont forget the astronomical clock near it and the fabulous main square with the famous Pissing Manekin. I must say that Im not impressed by its minute-sized Manekin and its small street packed with tourists. Somehow Prague is more picturesque and grander to me....
Any way, I got what I wanted here: the comic characters souvenirs!!! Yuhuu....

ANTWERPEN was so far the must-see city. It is really big. I cant really explain how come it looks much bigger than Brussels, maybe it is really big and has nice city plan. WARNING: This is the heaven for the shopping lovers with lots of shops and entertainment.
the atmosphere is almost similar to Praha, although I admit that Antwerpen is interesting!!
Try the noodle bar and pizzeria on the square behind the cathedral or simply enjoy the stage performance in front of the cathedral or go to the main square with its marine-theme statue.. or also go to the dock near the river.. It is surely romantic and heart-capturing!!!!
The atmosphere was great and tempting me to buy the post card like other tourists and mail it to home:-).

People said that pictures talk alot, but I must say, pictures cant talk of everything. You must come and experience it:-). Yet the setback was that Belgium was gloomy, windy, cold, and rainy most of the time... It 's apparently not summer... still Ondra and me enjoyed being strangers in foreign countries:-). See you in next trip!


I should send my warm greetings to all Indonesians who read this. Isnt it great guys that we can still can witness this national celebration? I know that we all wish the best for Indonesia and we hope it will stand long enough and worth the world history so we can pass the stories on to our next generations. Eits, jangan diteruskan dengan kata kata: mengheningkan cipta dimulai ya:-).

Pagi pagi 17 agustusan kemarin ini kita sudah siap siap untuk upacara dan perayaannya (alias makan makan dan tari tarian:-)). It was such a bleak and freezing morning and it made us feel blue:-(. The flag raising ceremony went well despite the chilly weather and also not many people could make it that wednesday since not all can take a leave from work. Anyway, Getting the prize for wining the badminton competititon was the boost of the day:-).

Not long after that, some girls like Tia, Vera, Mira, and me should dress up for traditional dancing performance. Mira as usual did the balinese dancing with the new costumes (yuhuuuu:-__) Tia and Vera did the Bajidor Kahot and Yapong and all of us did the Saman dance again. Actually it was kind of the final rehearsal for performance in 19 August.

Then the eating time but we missed the yellow sticky rice:-(( coz we got changed after dancing. But pssst... we had taken the snacks earlier hihihi (they were lemper, risoles and kroket). Overall, everything went well...Defitintely it would be better if we had had sate.. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhh... maybe next year, we'll see.
Terus ada yang kurang...hmm.. yeap! Musik dangdut dan panjat pinang!! hehehe... maybe next year we will have it merrier...

Meeting friends is nice but hanging out with them is nicer:-). You will see that they are great companies and cheerleader team:-) although a bit crazy. upss! I mean, they are nota bit crazy but... totally, completely, 100% CRAZZZYYY:-)!!! These indonesian friends are always ready to cheer you up and make you day like today. You need proof? Check my photo album section for that:-).

First after the celebration is formally done, we had more celebrations in other places:-).
1. The hospoda thing (we spent some time in the nearest garden pub. some had drinks and others had food). Surprisingly, the weather got friendly, nice and sunny. Tia and Mira started taking pictures with Euis and Ican as the victim. (in the end, Tia and Mira also victimized themselves:-)).
Then the idea was launched... why not go to Petrin Hill and take some pictures while laying on the grass and enjoying the sun?

2. episode 2: the Petrin Hill. After long discussion and Asih's saviour-act of bringing some sandals for the girls (twink twink.. come on give us a break, we were from the embassy with kebaya and high heel sandals), we took the funicular and headed to the tower park.

What can we ask more? we had warm and dry grass, we had tranquil atmosphere, we had the sunshine, we had the street musicians with their accordions, and we had lovely girls.
Wait... yes.. we needed one more to make the day's perfect. Great shots of pictures!!!!!!
Hehehe.. so you will see some pictures that we took in turn from my camera. they are so lovely. check out some of my collections...

3. Last scene. Nothing can end the day better than..... ngupi... hihihi.. so we went to the cafe in this Eiffel-like tower and had some coffee, cakes, and sausages. If girls hang out, you will know how our conversations end up, but if girls and boys hang out? it was even better:-). THanks to the boys for lightening up the day and become some objects of our photos.

4. Too bad I had to leave before the sun set coz I would have dinner with my hubby and went for badminton. He made me pizza... thanks so much dear:-), it was tasty. And the night got spicier when we had very laid-back badminton sessions with the boys and continued to the city late at night and shared some stories ( hihihi... thanks boys:-)). But I had to wind it up there.. coz I had to go home, soooo tired and need some sleep.

So in the end, it was a fine day... thanks for the great time to Asih, Euis, Ican and the boy, Irna, Linda and Akang, Mira, Tya and Widya. Dont we all love what we call INDEPENDENCE:-)?