Nova v Praze (new in Praha:-)

Monday, January 7

New Year 08: Old friends, new day

One of Ondra's close friends is leaving for England. He got a one-year job offer and decided to give it a try. So we and other close friends spent time together on New Year Day at La Mirage.

The place is quite neat for a couple of drinks and a hole to hang out with friends. Psst.. its hot chocolate and mojito are ones of the best in town:-). With more sitting places and some fotbalek machines,It attempts to hit younger market and less dance-floor thingy.

We also stormed out for a while to see the fireworks at 6pm near the Bridge. Prague city always presents free entertainment like fireworks to start the New Year for Praguers like that night. It was more happening then the other one on New Year's eve. Talking about statistics, more than 50,000 people gathered around centre. The temperature that night was exactly zero degree. The theory of relativity plays... it was definitely warmer than the day before but way too cold for those who celebrate New Year in Indonesia and Australia. Afterwards, we hit the bar again, play fotbalek, chat and eat.

It is so unbelievable that all are still friends for more than 15 years and support each others! During busy days and forgotten years, here we are still catching up. Nice evening to start a a new day with good old friends! How did your New Year start?

Sunday, January 6

New Year's Eve: Old times, new friends

Ceritanya Ondra masih agak sakit sehabis pulang dari Wina. Rencana untuk merayakan malam tahun baru ke luar kota dan gunung jelas batal. Mau pergi ke restaurant atau club, New Year charge-nya bikin kantong tipis, pis, pis.. dan mata pet.. karena asap rokok dan banyak orang!!

Sembari tidur-tiduran dan minum teh hangat dan kue natal (udah kayak kakek-kakek dan nenek-nenek:-)) kita bernostalgia kenangan malam tahun baru pertama kita di Brisbane.
Ngumpul dengan international students lainnya kita ke Southbank di tepian Brisbane River sambil melihat pertunjukan kembang api. Kita ngebayangin juga kalau di Indonesia orang orang pergi ke pantai atau Ancol lihat pertunjukan, lihat kembang api, dan tiup terompet.

Akhirnya kita memutuskan ke tempat teman lama yang mengundang pot-luck dinner sembari menghabiskan tahun 2007 dengan teman-teman. Dunia memang kecil, di sana kita ketemu Carolina, mahasiswa Indonesia yang sedang belajar di Brno.

Setelah nonton TV dan mencela-cela pengisi acaranya, ramai-ramai dengan teman-teman mahasiswanya Carolina, kita memutuskan melihat kembang api dari taman dekat rumah teman kami itu. Yeap! Kita memutuskan jalan kaki 10 menit melawan suhu minus 4 derajat.
Kenangan di Brisbane itu kembali. Kita berkumpul dengan international students menikmati Malam Tahun Baru walaupun sesudah itu kita tewas lagi but we had a good time. Thank you friends for boosting our spirit to face a new year!

So if you donot feel like to go somewhere too far or do something too fancy to celebrate New Year's eve in Prague, just invite your friends to cook and eat together. You can always opt to watching the variety shows on Wencleslas Square but the best part is to grab your cup of tea and plate of cookies, turn on the TV, watch and make fun of the presenters and performers.
You can always play some fun games and then.. the climax is to go out and follow the crowds to see the midnight fireworks and toss for new year. But stay away from the crazy bunchs who throw away firecrackers on street and on people. They find happiness by seeing others misery:-(.