Nova v Praze (new in Praha:-)

Tuesday, June 21

One month passes...

We are looking back to 21 May when some thrills developed in the big day preparation.
Facts: Prague was heavily rained, chilly, and gloomy in May.
Result: that saturday was a fine day, totally bright and fine day. Thanks God!

We are looking back to our families' one heart and mind on fulfilling this dream.
Facts: we are bringing with us different culture, past, and expectations baggage.
Result: everyone bigheartedly embraces each other and bound as one family.

We are looking back to our long and painstaking discussions on budget planning, venues, and programme.
Facts: Expenditures should not exceed the treasure:-)
Result: Invaluable supports, amazing gifts and miracles have overtaken our anxiety and compelled us to be grateful!

Having my family visiting and spending time with us was also part of our gratitude. Our official honey moon was splendid! We went out, eat out, and teased each other throughout all journey we made with them. What a precious time catching up days with them.

Then one month passed, all back to routinity and we do not feel huge differences except for my missing out my family. The sun still rise, the night still come, we still snore and disorganized:-). We witness no angels singing in the sky but gloomy days and tough times. Is something wrong?
Nope, everything is right! The world is still evolving, the life resumes. This is life! A real world with realistic life. Getting married may change your life choice and may not. But definitely a realistic choice to resume life. As the priest' saying on our ceremony, Marriage is a hope, a true hope. I married an alive human being! and he also:-). That's why we need to work out our dream and keep on hoping.
I am not sorry for abandoning my single life, hauling this boat trip to a real hope and future, even though we wont change alot, it is a worthy journey....

In short, as inspired by Thomas à Kempis in Imitation of Christ's "Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.", here we share our favourite piece from Susan Schutz to face our real marriage life:

I cannot promise you that I will not change
or that I will not hurt your feelings
or that I will always be strong
or that I will not have many different moods
Or that my faults will not show
I do promise that
I will always be supportive of you
I will share my thoughts and feelings with you
I will be completely honest with you
I will give you freedom to be yourself
I will laugh and cry with you
I will help you achieve your goals

But most of all
I do promise you that
I will always (learn) to love you..

Appreciations should be truly given to those who crossed over their comfort zones and financial rationales by supporting our wedding in tremendous way. We salute you!


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