Nova v Praze (new in Praha:-)

Friday, May 13

a precious letter from Seoul

As you all know that on May 21, I will abandon my single status and unite with a stranger:-),
this one is a private letter from an old friend who wishes us in an interesting way. I guess it is worthy to share it with you.
Ahoj Imedlo a Ondro *

as this email is addressed to both of you, I decided to write it in
As we are all PolSci majors,I also decided to write it in a language
close to
our minds and hearts.
It was in Australia when we had "a little skirmish" during our
Aussie-tour. At
that time, I truly believed that one day everyone of us will go in
directions,living a life far remote from one another.To my surprise,
a very
positive though I must add, you have kept your coalition alive and
flourishing; moreover, now you are ready to seal this alliance off
with a
contract that knows no time restriction. I feel that your fight
against me was worthwhile:):):); I am also happy to have been there,
at the very beginning when your views of politics and life began
to converge in such a manner that you could not live withouth each
other anymore. Consequently, i am very unhappy that I won't be able
to wish you good luck on the day when your two individual identities
merge into one big PARTY (the Indonesian-Czech Party of
Friendship, Fun, Love and Children).
Thus, let me tell you from very far away the following:
I wish that your political agenda will always garner many supporters,
I wish that you stay at the top of citizens' popularity,
I wish that you remain faithful and loyal to your believes and
the fundamental ideas of liberalism and socialism:):):), and I wish
that together you can live a happy, healthy and fruitful life.
As a matter of fact, the chances are very high!!!!

All this and more from you comrade in exile in the Far-East,


* czech's way to call someone's name


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